
Tuesday, 6 September 2016

Going to Cantamaths


On Wednesday the 24th of August, I and 6 other students from Rimu and 1 student from Kauri went to Horncastle Arena, where we were going to Cantamaths.There we had a Yr8 and a Yr7 team.At 4pm, our Yr7 team and other Yr7 teams had go down stairs and the runners had to go out first and choose a table in the arena.The Yr7 scored 20 points, a good score for them since it was their first time.

At 5pm, 
Our team (the Yr8 team) went down the stairs and into the arena where Gus (the runner) ran out and chose a table in a line which was short.
We then started answer questions that Gus gave to Bella P, Emily and I, some of our questions were so tough that we had to pass.
In the end, my team got 75 points out of 100 points!
We got 40 MORE points than last year, but we didn't win anything because there were a lot teams who got 100 points and we weren't one those teams,
but we had good time and I'm excited for next year's Cantamaths.


  1. What an exciting night! You are lucky to have this opportunity to practise your great Maths skills in this way. Were there any questions you were thinking later..."I knew that!" ?
    Could everyone see your banner clearly? Love your work.

    Miss Blair :)

  2. I am so sorry I missed seeing you in the Cantamaths Competition but I had a special meeting at school. It is great to work as part of a team. Do you think that you and the team communicated well? Do you have any ideas for how the team next year can be even more effective? Well done with you efforts!


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