
Tuesday, 20 September 2016

At the Ellesmere Speech Competition

After School on Monday night, my mum took me to the Ellesmere Speech competition where we met my fellow classmate Emily and her mum. Then Mr Robertson and Miss Blair arrived. When the speeches started we all went to the room where the Yr7's had their speeches first because Emily's speech will be later. We had to wait a while before I stood up and said my speech about "Videogames should be used in the education system". here is my speech: “Video games should be used in the education system!”

Afterwards, we left to go to the Yr8's room to hear Emily's speech, which was a long time. I don't know what place I came but I know I didn't come 3rd place, but we still got participation certificates. I am very proud to go to the Speech Competition and I hope to do better next time.

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