
Friday, 31 July 2015

my first poem on this blog enjoy :)

Original (1200 × 844)
MineCraft xbox 360

There’s a lot of

In MineCraft
xbox 360

That there’s a lot
of fighting

And a lot of construction
to be done.

(by Jacob)

The House

        The House
Chapter 1: prologue

It was 3:00pm on june the 12th when I was on my flight to london when the plane was in a thunderstorm, 10 minutes after the plane entered the thunderstorm the plane’s engines stopped then the plane crashed. 2 days later I woke up to find the plane crashed and I was on an abandoned island when I saw a house that was 200 meters away and was also a 10 minute walk to. 10 minutes later, I reached the distance that was what I was hoping for.

chapter 2: enter if you dare

I am now at the gate fence, so i opened the gate and went on the path. The is house is ‘over the top’ creepy. The windows look like eyes and what looks like teeth on the door. Before I opened heard a creepy laugh that made me horrified and a screech that billowed my spine, but now I opened the door and i wonder what horror is inside…
                                           chapter 3: the horror cage

When I entered, I saw strange figure in the hallway, so i creeped down the hallway and then I crouched behind a dining table and saw what that figure was… it was a zombie!!! But then I saw more zombies so I creeped out of the house and then I saw a man so I asked him ‘Hello, my name is Jacob markson and I crashed on the island and what is your name?’, he replied’ my name is ian shotgun and i am doing the same quest as you and i have a plan’.

chapter 4: the plan home

I was going to help ian shotgun make a 2-person plane to get off the island. 3 days later, we built the plane and we were ready to left off.  8 hours later,  we landed at london. The End.