
Wednesday, 18 November 2015

Grip leadership course

On Thursday, some of my class and I went to the Grip leadership course and we learned how to be a leader
and that you stand up if there is a opportunity, for what is right, for others and for yourself and that you can be generous with your time, your treasure and your talent and the fact you could use paper, scissors, rock for an example of a leader, paper = create a plan, scissors = take action and rock = stay strong.

Wednesday, 21 October 2015

Hatchet silent film

this is a silent movie of my novel study book, hatchet, this silent film was made by Cyriss, Cayde and me.
I hope you enjoy it. :-I)

Wednesday, 23 September 2015

My novel study

Written by Gary Paulsen

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When you work:

- Use full sentences in every answer
- Check the story carefully for your answers
- Be ready to explain your answers

Week 1: Chapters 1 to  4

Front Cover: List all the things you can see on the front cover. (On the front cover I can see a boy with his shorts on and he is in a large lake, a water-plane getting struck by lightning and a very, very, very large forest.)

Prediction: What do you think this story is going to be about? (I think that this story is going to be about a boy that gets stranded in a large forest and a large lake and a plane happens to pass by and is the boys only way to get out of here but is struck by lightning.)

Chapter 1:

1. In what country does this story take place? (This story happens in the U.S.A, on a bush plane.)   
2. Why was Brian (the boy) upset? (Brian was upset because his mom and dad divorced.)    
3. What did the pilot do that was nice? (The nice thing the pilot did was let the boy fly the plane.)    
4. Where are they flying to? (They are flying to canada.)    
5. The pilot keeps rubbing his arm and farting. What do you think is wrong with him? (I think that the pilot is rubbing his arm and farting because it was something that he ate.)    
6. What does Brian’s mother give him on the way to the airport? (Brian’s mother gives him a                                                             hatchet)    
7. What happens to the pilot? (The pilot has a heart attack)    
8. Why did Brian say that he had ‘Stopped’? (Brian had ‘Stopped’ because he didn’t know what to do and was worried/scared.)    √ Great answer, Jacob.

Chapter 2:

1. Predict what you think is going to happen in this chapter. (In Chapter 2 I think the boy tries to land.)    
2. How did Brian know what to do with the plane? (Brian did know how to fly thanks to the pilot who’s now dead and now Brain needs help to navigate to Canada.)   
3. Use your dictionary to find the meaning for cowling (Cowling is a removeable cover for an aircraft engine.)    
4. Why was the radio not working for Brian at first? (The radio was not working because the mike switch was off.)    
5. Why did the radio stop working? (The radio stopped working because it couldn’t reach the signal.)    
6. Read pages 19 and 20. What did Brian decide to do when the plane ran out of petrol? (When the plane ran out of petrol, Brian decided he would crash-land on a lake.)    
7. What did Brian do when the plane did run out of petrol? (When the plane ran out of petrol, Brian was heading to land at edge of a lake.)    
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Chapter 3:

1. On page 21, Brian had a problem. What was it?? (Brian’s problem was to find a lake right in front of him to crash into.)    
2. What animal did he see? (Brian saw a moose at the edge of the lake)    
3. Who was screaming when the plane landed? (Brain was screaming when the plane landed)    
4. How did Brian escape from the plane? (Brian escaped through a front window.)     
5. What happened to Brian at the end of the chapter? (At the end of the chapter, Brian was knocked out.)    

Chapter 4:

1. What was ‘The Secret’? (The SECRET was that Brain saw his mother in her car with a man with blond hair and a white tennis shirt.)    
2. What happened to Brian soon after the sun came up? (Soon after the sun came up there were a lot of mosquitoes and blackflies biting)    
3. What made it stop? (the mosquitoes and blackflies stopped biting because the sun came fully out.)    
4. What made it difficult for Brian to see? (It was hard for Brian to see because his head was puffed up because it was getting bitten by bugs.)    
5. Read pages 31, 32 and 33. Using a full page of your book, draw a detailed picture of what Brian could see. Make sure that you neatly label at least 10 things mentioned in these pages.

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HATCHETMacintosh HD:Users:teacher:Desktop:YMS 2010:1. Clip Art:Kiwi Birds:BUDGI_NB.gif
Written by Gary Paulsen

When you work:

- Use full sentences in every answer
- Check the story carefully for your answers
- Be ready to explain your answers

Week 2: Chapters 5 to 9

Chapter 5:

1. Read pages 35 and 35. How is Brian feeling? (Brian is feeling thirsty because he hasn’t had drank for 2 days.)     
2. Why did Brian jump when he said, “So”? What does this tell us? (Brian jumped because he was alone and this tells us he needs someone to find him.)     
3. Read to the end of page 36. Predict what you think Brian will do now. (I think that Brian will chop down down a tree with the hatchet to get materials.)     
4. What made Brian suddenly feel hungry? (Brian felt hungry because he hasn’t eaten anything for 2 days.)     √ Yes - and he was thinking about food.
5. Brian thinks about his old English teacher, Mr Perpich. What was Mr Perpich always telling his students? How does this help Brian? (Brian’s old English teacher always told them to quit messing around, get motivated look at all of it Because of this, Brian looked at everything he had.)     √ AHA! This tells us a lot about Brian.
6. What is the best thing that Brian has? (The best thing Brian has is himself.)     
7. Read to the bottom of page 41. Why is this information important? (It is important that the pilot kicked the rudder control because if the pilot did have the heart attack but not kicked the rudder control the plane should of crash on land at the airport at Canada.)     
8. What thought make Brian suddenly afraid? (Brian became afraid because some people might not find him for 4 days.)     
9. At the end of the chapter, Brian tells himself that he needs two things. What are they? (The two things that Brian needs are a shelter and food)     

Chapter 6:

1. Brian builds a shelter. What made the place that he chooses? (His shelter was scooped out by a glacier )     
2. Explain how movies and TV shows have helped Brian so far? (Movies and TV shows have helped Brian by how to find food in the wild like beans or berries.)     
3. What helped Brian find the berries? (Brian found the berries because of some birds.)     
4. What two reasons does Brian give for wanting to close in his shelter? (Brian wanted to close in his shelter to make it liveable and comfortable )     
5. Do a quick sketch of Brian sitting in his shelter at the end of the chapter

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Chapter 7:

1. What is the reason that Brian called the berries ‘gut cherries’? (Brian called the berries ‘gut cherries’ because he was vomiting and had diarrhoea at the middle of the night.)    
2. What frightened Brian? (Brian got frightened when he saw his reflection of his face because it had blood, a cut, scabs and was swollen and lumpy.)    
3. Read to the end of page 59. What is the problem? What happens? (Brian’s problem is to find better food and found some raspberries but then a bear comes.)    √ Very scary.
4. What does this tell you about the bear? (This tells us that the bear was just hungry and wanted to eat raspberries.)    
5. Explain why Brian slept with the hatchet in his hand (Brian slept with the hatchet in his hand because if he woke up at midnight and there’s danger he will use his hatchet.)        

Chapter 8:

1. What attacked Brian that night? (Brian was attacked by a snake or a porcupine)    
2. What happened when Brian threw his hatchet? How could this help him in the future? (When the axe hit the wall it got stuck and made some sparks. This could help Brian because he could make a fire.)    √ Good. Now you have the answer.
3. What is the most important rule of survival? (Bottom of page 67) (The most important rule of survival is have a supply of food and water.)    Don’t feel sorry for yourself.
4. How does the dream help Brian find out how to make fire? (The dream helped Brian find out how to make fire because Brain desperately needed a fire.)    √ Good thinking, Jacob.

Chapter 9:

1. Read chapter 9. Write instructions for making fire. Draw a small picture and label all the things that Brian needed to make fire.
How Brian made fire

First, Brian needed to get bark, lots of bark,
After that he his hatchet and stone to light the fire,
Then he had to blow gently so the fire can have an advantage to keep alight,
Finally, Brian had to feed the fire with some wood/sticks,
Now Brian has a fire.    Would you survive out there, Jacob?    

Written by Gary Paulsen

When you work:

- Use full sentences in every answer
- Check the story carefully for your answers
- Be ready to explain your answers

Week 3: Chapters 10 to 14

Chapter 10:

1. How does Brian feel about the fire? (Brian feels great about the fire because it was a source of light.)     
2. What was the good, unexpected thing about the fire? (The good thing about the fire was it was also a smoke signal.)     √ The answer is below
3. What else is Brian going to use fire for? (Brian is going to use fire for driving the bugs away.)     √ the answer is above.
4. Read to the bottom of page 78. Predict what made the strange sounds?
(The strange sounds were made by snake.)     
5. Why was it difficult for Brian to eat the eggs? (Brian found it hard to eat the eggs because it had a leathery shell.)     
6. What did Brian think would happen if he forgot to think about the searchers?
(If Brian forgot to think about the searchers, Brian thought that he will not rescued.)     

Chapter 11:

1. What is one reason that Brian cleaned his camp site. (Brian cleaned his camp site because he was depressed or he wanted to be clean.)     
2. Why does Brian hear and see differently? (Brian now hears and sees differently because he is in a new environment)     
3. Brian sees something that makes him think about catching fish. What is it?
(Brian sees a bird fishing in the water with its sharp beak thinks about catching fish to eat.)     A bird fishing in the water with its sharp beak.
4. Read to the end of the chapter. Write one word to describe Brian’s life now) (Brian’s life is busy.     

Chapter 12:

1. Why does Brian have to make an invention? What does he have to invent?
(Brian has to invent a bow and arrow because he needs to catch fish.)     √
2. What is a new food source for Brian? (Brian could eat  a bird.( possibly cook it.)     √
3. What makes him sprint back to his camp? (Brian sprints back to his camp because he saw a search plane and he thought he would be rescued.)     √
4. Give at least 3 reasons that Brian is crying. (Brian is crying because he didn’t get rescued     √, he will not survive here forever     √ and and his hope of being rescued faded away)     √ Great answers, Jacob.

Chapter 13:

1. On page 97 we are told that Brian is sick of light meat.
Explain why.
(Brian is sick of light meat because it didn’t taste good.)      √
2. What 3 reasons does Brian have to fear the wolf?
(Brian fears the wolf because he may die, get very painful injuries and he may be eaten.)      √ YIKES!
3. How long has Brian been stranded?
(Brian has been stranded for 47 days)      √ Can you imagine this?
4. What did Brian want to do after the plane flew away?
Why didn’t he?
(After the plane left, Brian wanted to die but he couldn’t because he wanted to survive and see his mom/dad again.)      √ Great answer, Jacob.
5. Read to the end of the chapter. What are 5 things that Brian has learned?
(These are five things that Brian has learned:
1. a better way to catch fish.     √
2. his knowledge will help himself survive     √
3.  how to make a bow and arrow.     √
4. how to make fire     √
5. how to get turtle eggs     √
6. What hope does Brian now have? (Brian now has the hope that his knowledge will save him.)      √

Chapter 14:

1. What could small mistakes do? (Small mistakes could turn into disasters.)      √
2. What mistake did Brian make? What were the results?
(When Brian found a skunk eating his eggs, this happened: he go a handful of sand and threw the sand at the skunk, so the skunk blew gas out of it’s rear end and hit a direct shot at Brains head and Brain was almost blinded and the smell was so smelly he had to go to into water.)      √ Fantastic detail here, Jacob.
3. Read to the end of the chapter. What are the three things Brian does to help him survive. Describe how each of these will help him survive.
(To help himself survive, Brian has food, knowledge and resources. These could help him survive by making a shelter for him and his food, to find a way to get food and not starve to death.)      √      √      √      √      √ Do you think that you would survive, Jacob?

Written by Gary Paulsen

When you work:

- Use full sentences in every answer
- Check the story carefully for your answers
- Be ready to explain your answers

Week 4: Chapters 15 to 19

Chapter 15:

1. Brian measures time in two ways. What are they?
(Brian measures time by stone carvings and by events.)      √
2. What drives Brian crazy? Why?
(The fool drive Brian crazy because they always jump at him and makes Brain have a fright.)      √
3. Brian has to learn to look at things differently. How does he now look for foolbirds differently?
Brian looks for foolbirds differently by looking by shape to find a foolbird. This will make hunting foolbirds much easier.)      √
4. What does Brian use to kill his first foolbird?
(Brian kills a foolbird with his original fish spear with two prongs.)      √
5. What did Brian do with the insides of the bird? Why?
(Brian put the insides of the birds in the water so that he can draw fish in so he can get more fish.)      √
6. Read to the end of the chapter. Draw and label a picture of the way Brian cooked the bird

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Chapter 16:

1. Read to the bottom of page 122. Describe what has happened in the
attack (what, where, how, and then predict why)
(Brian is attacked by a moose at night which is dark so the reason the moose attacked brain was because the moose thought he was an enemy because the moose can’t see in the dark.)   √
2. What is Brian’s worst injury?
(Brian’s worst injury is the pain in his chest from the moose.)   √
3. What are three things that Brian can be grateful for just now?
(Brian is grateful that he is still alive, he started from the beginning and he has access)   √
4. Read to the bottom of page 124. Predict: What is making the roar?
(I think that the roar is being made by a tornado.)      √ Interesting and dangerous.
5. After the moose and the tornado, Brian has lost everything and has nothing. But why is it different now?
(Even though Brian has lost everything, it is different now because the plane has been lifted up from tornado.)      X It is different because now Brian
6. Why is the cold snap significant?
(The cold snap is significant because the cold months are coming.)      √Macintosh HD:Users:teacher:Desktop:YMS 2010:1. Clip Art:Mammals:RDEERSTA.gif
7. Brian can now see part of the plane sticking out of the water. This is going to be significant. Predict what Brian is going to do now and why.

Chapter 17:

1. Read to the middle of page 132. What does Brian want from the plane? Why?
(Brian wants the survival kit from the plane because it could have a knife, food and matches.)      √
2. What is Brian’s rule for survival?Macintosh HD:Users:teacher:Desktop:YMS 2010:1. Clip Art:Weather:Weather:TORNADO.gif
(Brian’s rule for survival is first to hunt for food, then make a fire, then build a shelter.)      √ What is YOUR rule for survival?
3. Brian tries to build a raft. What is his main problem? How does he solve it?
(Brian has trouble making a raft because the logs don’t connect but he solves it by getting logs with legs and his anorak to connect it together.)      √
4. What is Brian’s next problem? How does he solve it?
(Brian’s next problem is rowing to the plane . He solves it by using a bit of flax string for a rope.)      √
5. Read to the middle of page 137. Write down two ways that Brian has changed.
(Brian has changed in these ways: he doesn’t want to be lazy anymore and he is inventive)      √
6. Read to the end of the chapter. Predict: What will Brian do now?
(I think that Brian will try find a way to get the survival kit.)      √

Chapter 18:

1. What disaster happens to Brian? What does he do?
(Brian drops the hatchet so he dived into the water to find it.)      √
2. Why did Brian keep the bits of metal he cut off the plane?
(Brian kept the bit of metal because it might be useful in the future.)      √
3. What makes Brian sick in the water?
(Brian is sick because he saw the pilot’s head but it is now a badly cleaned skull.)      √
4. Read to the end of the chapter. How is Brian feeling now?
(Brian is feeling glad and tired)      √

Chapter 19:

1. Read to the bottom of page 152. List what you think are the six most important items in the survival kit. Give reasons why you think these items are the most important
(These are the most important items in the survival kit
1. food because it keeps you from being hungry.      √
2. matches because it lets you have a fire.      √
3. a shotgun because it lets you to shoot animals for food.      √Macintosh HD:Users:teacher:Desktop:YMS 2010:1. Clip Art:Domestic items:Domestic Items:SCISSORS.gif
4. a sleeping because you can sleep in it.   √
5. a cooking set with pots and pans, a fork, a spoon and a knife because you can cook food with it so you can eat the food.   √
6. a fishing kit because you can catch fish and go fishing.   √
2. Why doesn’t Brian like having the rifle?
(Brian does not like having the rifle because it somehow removed Brain from everything around him.)   √
3. Why does Brian have a feast?
(Brian has a feast because after a hard day of doing stuff.)   √
4. How does the plane know that Brian is there?
(The plane knows that Brian is there because he got the emergency transition from the emergency transmitter which Brain accidently put on.)   √
5. Describe Brian’s emotions when the plane lands
(When the plane lands, Brian feels shocked, in disbelief and surprised because he already lost hope of being rescued.)   √
6. Why does Brian offer the pilot dinner?
(Brian offers the pilot dinner because he was grateful that someone found him.)   √

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